U.S. Sends Troops to Invade Ukraine

Geoffrey Pike

Posted January 28, 2015

ukraineinFor anyone who gets their news primarily from the so-called mainstream media in the United States, they will have an almost completely backwards picture of what is happening in Ukraine, if they believe what they are being told.

As with so much else happening in our world, the media conveniently leaves out key facts in the broader picture. Sometimes media outlets are seemingly trying to deliberately mislead people as to what is really going on.

The basic story we hear about Ukraine is that the people of Ukraine protested and ousted a tyrannical government, which then led to Russia annexing Crimea, while Russian sympathizers use violence against innocent people.

Some people would also come to the conclusion that Russia is responsible for the downing of the commercial airliner over Ukraine and Russia is being aggressive by sending Russian troops across the border.

Unfortunately, most of this is not quite accurate, or often just plain wrong.

This goes back to at least 2013, where the U.S. and Western Europe were attempting to get Ukraine into a deal with Europe to cut its business connections with Russia. Yanukovych, the Ukrainian president at the time, hesitated in the negotiations.

Since he was not cooperating (i.e. obeying) the U.S. and Western Europe, he was ousted out of power in early 2014. He was chased out of power with the backing of the U.S. government. (See the video below)

This eventually led to the people of Crimea voting to leave Ukraine and join Russia. To say that Putin annexed Russia is a real stretch in language when over 95% of the voters in Ukraine wanted to join Russia.

When a commercial airliner was seemingly shot down over Ukraine, U.S. officials were quick to point the finger at Russia. Of course, they have offered no proof of this and have now stopped talking about the event since the evidence is pointing at the U.S.-backed Ukrainian government instead.

And this whole business about Russian troops crossing the border is ridiculous. There were already Russian troops there as part of an agreement between Ukraine and Russia.

Troops in Ukraine?

While the U.S. government accuses Russia of aggression and sending troops into Ukraine, there was word last week that American soldiers will be deployed to Ukraine to start training the Ukrainian National Guard.

In other words, in the eyes of U.S. officials, it is evil and aggressive for Putin to be involved in a country right next door, part of which voted to join Russia, and which has had previous agreements with Russia to have troops stationed there. But it is good and righteous for the U.S. to send troops thousands of miles away to support a western installed government in Ukraine after overthrowing the democratically-elected leader. This all makes perfect sense if you are in Washington DC.

We also have to wonder what will happen with U.S. troops being stationed in Ukraine to train military forces there. Will there be an “incident” where shots are fired and the Russians are blamed? Will a U.S. soldier get kidnapped by the evil Russians?

When you send men with guns thousands of miles away to another country and another culture, good things are not going to happen.

In addition, how many times in the past have we seen the U.S. military train foreign soldiers, only for them to later become the enemy? It almost seems that it is a prerequisite that, before you become an enemy of the United States, you must first receive support from the United States government.

The current enemy of the day is ISIS and they are probably using U.S. weapons or weapons that were paid for with U.S. funds.

Ukraine is a poor country. It is now a war-torn country as well. The U.S. government has absolutely no business being there or even trying to make any political decisions for the people there.

If private charities or voluntary individuals want to help the people of Ukraine, they should be free to do so. But U.S. military presence there has caused many of the problems that now exist and will only make things worse. When will this madness ever end?

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